Tove Djupsjöbacka in a nutshell
• Music journalist
Tove Djupsjöbacka is a journalist specialised in music (especially music cultures around the world, flamenco and Finnish folk music) and dance, working mostly in Finnish and Swedish. She has been a freelancer for Hufvudstadsbladet, Finland’s biggest Swedish-speaking newspaper, since 1999 and has also substituted as culture journalist at several occasions. She worked as editor for Finnish Music Quarterly and Pelimanni, as well as editor and editor-in-chief for flamenco magazine Letra. As a freelancer she has had articles published in among others Rondo and Kansanmusiikki. Together with Lena von Bonsdorff she has written the 50 years history of Martin Wegelius -institutet ”Musik i ingenmansland” (2006). She has been house critic for the Choral music season concerts and hosted live interviews in Finnish, Swedish and English. Currently she is vice chair for the Finnish Critics’ Association.
• Soprano
Tove Djupsjöbacka sings in the professional Helsinki Chamber Choir (former Radio Chamber Choir) since 2009 and has also sung in the Sibelius Academy Vocal Ensemble 2011–2022. With the Helsinki Chamber Choir she has performed in many European countries, made several recordings and performed in the children’s opera Pappa Bach at the Finnish National Opera as well as sung in IC-98:s and Max Savikangas’ video art Aarremaat. She also has stage experience from Jaakko Kuusisto: Prinsessan och vildsvanarna (Musikinstitutet Kungsvägen 2003 and 2005), Lars Karlsson: Rödhamn (Finnish National Opera 2002) and Jerome Kern: Teaterbåten (Svenska Teatern 2002-03). She was a soloist with the Vaasa city orchestra at their Young soloists concert 2006. She also sings with Utopia Chamber Choir since 2004. Important conductors have been among others Nils Schweckendiek, Andrew Lawrence-King and Kari Turunen.
• Translations
Tove Djupsjöbacka translates especially music texts from Finnish to Swedish (program books, brochures, home pages, information material…) She also writes texts directly in both languages. Among her clients are Avanti!, Helsinki Festival, Etno-Espa, Sibelius-Academy, Musica nova Helsinki…
• Flamenco
Tove Djupsjöbacka is a versatile flamenco expert. She is the only flamencologue in Finland with a Máster de Flamenco degree from Escola Musica Superior de Catalunya 2018. She regularly performs as a flamenco dancer and has also been performing as a percussionist, palmero, violin and piano player and singer.
Tove Djupsjöbacka has collaborated with many of the leading flamenco artists in Scandinavia and performed as a dancer in Finland, Sweden and Denmark.
Tove Djupsjöbacka regularly gives intensive courses in flamenco and lectures in different parts of Finland (among others Jyväskylä, Kuopio and Oulu). She has also worked as interpreter and assistant to several Spanish top teachers (Pablo Suárez, David Lagos) and been active in organisations, festivals and curating.
• Contact information
Tove Djupsjöbacka
+358 40 7314304
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